The vast majority of my clients are successful, intelligent people, who understand that their trees are an asset, and like any asset, they need to be managed.
There is the reactive approach where the perception is that there are better things to spend money on than tree maintenance, and then you have to call a tree guy when a tree blows over.
Alternatively, my clients tend to be proactive in the sense that they value their trees, and engage me and my arborist team to keep them safe, functional, and beautiful. This is very rewarding, satisfying work, and leads to great, fulfilling relationships between us and our clients and their trees over the years, and in many cases now, decades.
That is not to say we never remove trees, but there does have to be a valid reason, or that we never do storm clean-up, because we do have trucks, chippers, and a hard-working team, so naturally we are here to help people wherever we can.
One of my favourite trees is the Pepperberry tree, Cryptocarya obovata. This endemic beauty is rarely used in gardens, but looks amazing as a specimen tree.
Go out now and give one of your favourite trees a hug, or if that is too much for you, at least touch one these amazing living beings we share our planet with.
